Thursday, 1 November 2012

A Happy 1st November Blog......
Evening everyone - near + far! When I updated our Blog last Sunday with all the events and happenings since we last blogged, I had that feeling that I'd forgotten something quite important and kept going over things in my mind but, no couldn't find anything that I'd not listed and accounted for..... Until the lovely Michelle at Gifted Goodies (, sent me a tweet saying she'd blogged about our Mug Swap..... And then the penny dropped.... 
We'd both taken part in a Mug Swap arranged via Twitter with the equally lovely Hannah from Cup Cake Mumma ( Michelle and I were paired up and had to swap mugs by the end of October.  Well, it's always difficult buying something for someone that you don't actually know but as Michelle lives in Wales, I was hoping that she or someone close to her, might like the game of Rugby.... as I actually live here in Rugby where the game is thought to have started! So Michelle's parcel was duly sent off to her containing a mug from Rugby and mine arrived the same week - talk about good timing! Michelle had noted that on our website, we state that we try to be as 'green' as possible (my day job is a PA to a Sustainability Director) and when I opened up my parcel, Michelle had sent me a gorgeous pink Ecoc mug!  I would have some photo's to share with you all but last Friday someone decided to steal my camera which contained the photo's.  I was also fund-raising at the time, so I am particularly upset over it. Haven't tried my lovely mug out yet - in fact it's sitting here looking at me! I did think about taking it into the office but then decided to keep it here at home.
The 2nd thing I had forgotten to mention was Mike, the Animal Healer.  Some of you will remember and know that Judy, our little Jack Russell has been poorly for some time now and Uncle Hugh, our lovely vet, is a bit stumped as to what to try next.  Judy keeps biting and chewing her paws till she makes them bleed - silly dog! Mike was recommended to me by a close friend and he was looking for some case studies.  I duly e-mailed him and he very kindly offered to drive over from Kidderminster to see our Judy.  As an Animal Healer, he works intuitively with them - he arrived with a large case containing lots of essential oils and lots of other things.  To cut a long story short, Mike has made two visits to Judy and we've tried various things out on her - including some 'green clay' to rub into her paws when she chews them! As I type this Judy is ready for bed, so I'd best go and sort her out!
Till next time - when hopefully I may have those photo's of our mug swap to share with you all! 
Sweet dreams everyone, with love from us here at Fat Fairy Jewellery HQ + Judy the Jack Russell xx

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